Corporate Compliance Programs

Angeli & Calfo frequently advises clients on the development, implementation and operation of compliance and business ethics programs designed to detect and prevent violations of law. An effective compliance program is an essential component of any modern company, both in terms of avoiding violations of the law and as a tangible demonstration of the organization’s commitment to lawful and ethical business practices. In the event that a violation of the law nevertheless occurs, the existence of a robust compliance program may help the company avoid prosecution or mitigate any penalty that may be imposed.

We aim to ensure that clients have in place comprehensive programs to guide them and their employees in conducting business ethically and in compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements particular to their industries. Working closely with our clients, we design and tailor compliance programs to meet each client’s business requirements, taking into account the existing organizational and management structures, culture and needs, as well as the regulatory and business environment. Among other features, our compliance programs typically include sections addressing codes of conduct; employee training and education; compliance officer selection and compliance committee structure; monitoring and auditing procedures; internal reporting of potentially illegal conduct; policies and procedures for disciplinary actions and other corrective action; and provisions for board and management oversight.